The western Gunsmoke premiered on CBS radio in 1952. The show was successful and was adopted for television in 1955 where it aired for 20 years until 1975. Five Gunsmoke movies aired from 1987 until 1992 - an astonishing 40 years of Gunsmoke! is the web's most extensive dipository of information and trivia dedicated to...
Gunsmoke: The Great American Western.
Information -

[Didja Know... | History, Biography & Trivia | Links and References | trivia ]
- The Guest Stars -
[ Gunsmoke guests | Guest Actor Bios | Oscars | Most Appearances | Related TV Shows | Trivia | Leading Roles | Other ]
- Collectibles -
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cards | puzzles | lunch
boxes | comics | books | magazines | rodeos | TV
Guide | records | cigarette
ads | clothes | misc | other ]
[ Interviews | News | Short
Stories | Novel | Comics | Scripts | Documents | Book
Reviews | Headlines | mail | Other ]
- For the Ears -
[ Music Trivia | Sheet Music | Listen to Gunsmoke Songs | Gunsmoke Music | Radio Plays | Audio | Wavs | Other ]