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Books Used as References on this site.
(Click on links to buy. Those books with a
the best).
G.C. Altschuler & D.I. Grossvogel, Changing Channels:
America in TV Guide, University of Illinois Press, 1992. (link)
Barabas & Gabor Barabas, Gunsmoke : A Complete History and Analysis
of the Legendary Broadcast Series With a Comprehensive Episode-By-Episode
Guide to Both the Radio and Television (link)Note:
The Best
Tim Brooks, The Complete Directory to Prime Time TV Stars,
(Ballantine Books, New York, 1987).

Brooks and Earle Marsh, The Complete Directory to Prime Time Network TV
Shows, (Ballantine Books, New York, 1981). (link)Note:
For television junkies, there is no better book summarizing ALL the great
TV programs!
Tim Brooks and Earle Marsh, TV's Greatest Hits, (Ballantine
Books, New York, 1985)
Les Brown, The New York Times Encyclopedia of Television,
(The New York Times Book Co. Inc., New York, 1977).
Arthus Asa Burger, The TV Guided American, (Walker \&
Co., New York, 1976).
Chiu, CBS : The First 50 Years, ISBN: 1575440830 (link)
William H. Forbis, The Cowboys, (Time-Life Books, Chicago,
Frank, Buyer's Guide to Fifty Years of TV on Video, (Prometheus Books,
New York, 1999) link

Gelman & Gene Accas, The Best in Television: 50 years of Emmies, (Worzalla,
General Publishing Group, Los Angeles, 1998.) (link)
Exhaustive listings and great pictures!
Russell Johnson with Steve Cox, Here on Gilligen's Isle,
(Harper Perennial, 1993).
J. Fred MacDonald, Don't Touch That Dial: Radio Programming
in American Life, 1920-1960, (Nelson-Hall, Chicago, 1979).

Maltin, TV Movies and Video Guide, (Signet, New York). (link)There
are many books of this type - but this one is the best. Updated annualy.
Click on link and enter "Maltin" to search for the latest addition.
Mick Martin and Marsha Porter, Video Movie Guide, (Ballantine
Books, New York, 1986).
Alex McNeil, Total Television, (Penguin Books, New York,
Robert Metz, CBS -Reflections in a Bloodshot Eye, (Playboy
Press, Chicago, 1975).
Paul Micheal and James Robert Parish, The Emmy Awards:
a Pictorial History, (Crown Publishers Inc. New York, 1970).
Jack Mingo & John Javna, Primetime Proverbs: The Book
of TV Quotes, (Harmony Books, New York, 1989).
Clayton Moore, I Was That Masked Man, (Taylor Publishing,
Dallas, 1998).
Amy Paulsen and Annabel Vered, "The TV Guide Book of Lists,
(Harper, New York, 1998)
E. Pavese and J. Henry, TV Mania (Harry N. Abrams, New
York, 1998).
John Peel, The Gunsmoke Years, Pioneer Books, (Las Vegas,
Susan Sackett, Prime Time Hits, (Billboard Books, New
York, 1993).
Cobbert Steinberg, TV Facts (Facts on File, New York,
Vincent Terrance, Encyclopedia of Television, (New York
Zoetrobe, 1985).
Paul Trachtman, The Gunfighters, (Time-Life Books, Chicago,
John Walker, Editor, Halliwell's Filmgoers and Video Viewer's
Companion, (Harper Perennial, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1988).
Tenth Edition
Peter Watts, A Dictionary of the Old West, (Promontory
Press, New York, 1977).
Ed Weiner, The TV Guide TV Book, (Harper Perennial, New
York, 1992.)
Information Please Almanac, (Simon & Schuster, New
Things You Never Knew Existed and Can't Possibly Live
Without! Johnson Smith Company, Brandon, Florida.
USA Today
The World Almanac, (Newspaper Enterprise Association Inc.,
New York).
TV Guide
People Magazine
Other Resources
The Wild West (audio tape) narrated by Jack Lemon), Time-Life,
Inc. (1993) (link)
Great tapes on the true old west. There is much discussion of Dodge City.
The Story of Gunsmoke, broadcast over WAMU-FM, Washington
D.C. on 4-25-76, written, produced and directed by Jim Hickman and Norman
Sperdvac (The Society to Preserve and Encourage Radio
Drama), Box 1587, Hollywood, CA 90078.
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