Goode ... According to Parley Baer who played Chester Proudfoot
on the radio, Chester's last name was changed for television in
order to avoid a plagerism lawsuit.
Chester was Dillon's deputy.
False ... he was never deputized. The attributing of a deputy
status to Chester is one of the most common mistakes made in the
chronicling of television history. It is made in a number of summaries
of television program histories, including a special issue of {\it
People Magazine dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the founding
of television.
Which of Chester's legs was stiff?
The right one. The reason for his stiff leg was never explained.
The first director of Gunsmoke, Warren, had Chester have a stiff
leg to partially explain why he would work at such a menial job
such as marshal's assistant.
Did Chester ever go to church on Sundays?

Chester had a brother.
Chester was an orphan.
Does Chester know Morse code?
Where did Chester sleep when he was in Dodge City?
Did Chester carry a hand gun?
Not generally.

Chester was known for shooting himself in the foot.
Chester had a hard time sleeping after the sun came up because
his feet began to do what?
The following song was sung by Chester in part or in whole on
a number of Gunsmoke episodes. What is the missing word that goes
in the blank:
Run _____ the dog's gonna get you.
Run _____ run - you gotta get away.
Run _____ run, the dog's gonna get you.
Run _____ run - you gotta get away.
The _____ ran.
The _____ flew.
The _____ tore its tail in two.
Answer: Rabbit
Here's another ditty that Chester sang. What are the two missing
rhyming words:
You can look all over Kansas.
In every Kansas ________
You'll not find another pair
Like her eyes of ________.
(T/F) Dennis Weaver won an Emmy in 1958 for his role as Chester
What is the missing word in the following Chester
quote. ``I'll ______ better for it when I do ______, though, knowing
I didn't miss
nothin' when I wasn't sleepin', you know."
One of Chester's chores was to wash the pillow cases used in the
In response to the grumps, to what Gunsmoke regular
did Chester mutter the phrase ``What's the matter? Somebody pull
you through
a knothole?"
When Dennis Weaver left Gunsmoke, he was replaced by Festus. Did
Chester and Festus ever appear in the same episode of Gunsmoke?
Answers: b ... guitar and f, the comb.
One of Chester's hobbies was knitting.
What did Chester wear over his shirt that neither Matt, Newly
or Festus wore and why did he wear them?
One of Chester's favorite toys was a three foot long piece of
rope with a knot in the end. What trick did he do with it?
He would hold the unknotted end in one hand and let the knot
dangle. Then, with a quick upward jerk of his hand, the knotted
end would jump up. Chester would guide its fall so that the rope
tied itself into a loop knot.
Did Dennis Weaver use a brace to keep his leg stiff?
Doc teased Chester about
- his stiff leg.
- his fat brother, Mangus.
- the lousy coffee that Chester made.
- all of the above.
Answer: ... the lousy coffee. Chester prided himself
in his brewing ability. ``Most people just don't know how to
make good coffee.
In the first place, they boil the water before they put the coffee
in. Any fool knows you gotta put the coffee in the cold water and
bring them both to a boil together. That way you get all of the
flavor. Worst thing they do, they throw away the old grounds after
using them once. What they don't know is that they are throwing
away the best part. You got to keep them old grounds and you add
alittle fresh coffee every morning and let her boil. Shoot, you
don't make a cup, you bui;ld a pot. You don't really get a good
pot until you've been usin' it about a week. Then it's coffee!"
Chester's brother owned a livery store in Waco, Texas.
What was Chester's middle initial?
Chester B. Goode... not unlike the Chuck Berry hit, Johnny B.
Chester appeared on Gunsmoke before Dillon did.
True ... on the first Gunsmoke episode aired in 1955, Chester
appears on the screen before Dillon does. The other main characters
appear in the following order: Matt, Kitty, Doc and Howie, the
clerk at the Dodge House. The first dramatic actor to appear on
Gunsmoke was Paul Richards.