Amanda Blake -Personal
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- Who was older, Amanda Blake or James
Arness ... born in 1923. Blake was
born in Buffalo New York on February 20, 1927.
- Amanda Blake's real name is
- Lisa Gleason.
- Beverly Louise Neill.
- Sonya Glossnosnovitch.
- Amanda Blakowski.
- Amanda Blake.
Answer: ... Neill

- In 1976, only a few years after she
quit Gunsmoke, Amanda Blake was diagnosed as having mouth cancer.
The diagnosis prompted her to give up cigarettes. Prior to
that, how many packs of cigarettes did she smoke per day?
- For her successful bout with cancer
in the late 1970's, Amanda Blake was awarded the American Cancer
Society's Courage Award in March of 1983. Who was the famous
actor who presented her with the award.
Ronald Reagan (Click HERE for
a photo.)
- In
her acceptance speech for the Cancer Society's award, Amanda
Blake said ``To me, the big C doesn't
stand for cancer. It stands for (what?)"
- Amanda Blake's husband sued her for
divorce in April 1989 and died in later the same year.
- Micheal Learned, the mom in The Waltons,
is Amanda Blake's sister.
Blake in 1954
- According to Amanda Blake, the social
interaction among the Gunsmoke caste stopped when the
show did.
... Blake said in 1987 ``I see Jim about once a year and
Dennis and Buck. We keep track
of one another".
- Amanda Blake's hobby is
- Amanda Blake's favorite food is shrimp
- According to Dennis Weaver, Gunsmoke's
Chester, Amanda Blake had a heart ``as big as a
- piece
of brown rice".
- grape
- watermelon."
- Texas."
Answer: ... watermelon
- Amanda Blake was born in Buffalo, New
York on February 20, 1927.
- Was Amanda Blake a brunette, blonde
or red head?
Red head
- (T/F) Due to her fondness for animals,
Blake allowed the use of no animal furs of the set of Gunsmoke.
True. PAWS has named a wildlife refuge
for Amanda Blake. Click HERE for
- Amanda Blake died in August of 1989.
The story of her death appeared in both the September 4, 1989
and November 20, 1989 issues of People Magazine. In
the later issue, Blake's picture was on the cover. It wasn't
on the cover the first time. Why?
Her death was revealed to be due to
AIDS, probably contracted from her bisexual husband, Mark
Spaeth. Spaeth died of the disease one year after he and
Blake were married. In the first announcement, her death
was attributed to be due to a recurrance of her cancer. Blake
died in Mercy General Hospital in Sacramento, California.
Like most who die from AIDS, her body was cremated. Amanda
Blake has a panel on the AIDS quilt. Click HERE for
more information.
- To within a half million, what was Amanda
Blake's estate worth?
Answer: $400,000 ... She left it all
to the Performing Animal Welfare Society or PAWS. The will
was contested by members of Blake's family